
difenilThe Latin American Crystallographic Association (LACA)
and Facultad de Química, Universidad de la República,

invite you to join us for the

1st LACA School: Small Molecule Crystallography (1LACAS:SMC)


Montevideo, Uruguay // 19th to 25th February, 2018

Facultad de Química was selected by the members of the LACA to host the first edition of an official Latin American School on Crystallography related to this association which was founded in 2013. This public institution has been proudly successful on previous international schools held in Uruguay and has recently acquired a last generation X-ray single crystal diffractometer on 2014.

Crystallography is a discipline that empowers the development of practically all new materials, chemical and pharmaceutical products. It is as well a fundamental tool for understanding biological systems, e.g. the structural determination of DNA. Crystallographers do not only study the structure of materials or chemical compounds, but they also use their knowledge to modify a structure for it to reveal new or better properties.

In particular, Small Molecule Crystallography (through single crystal or powder diffraction) is very important for the understanding of polymorphism in pharmaceutical compounds, supramolecular interactions, optical and mechanical properties of molecular compounds, among many others.

The 1LACAS:SMC is an intense 1-week course that will cover the most relevant and modern topics on small molecule crystallography, mainly (but not only) using single crystal X-ray diffraction. The morning sessions will be dedicated to lectures while the afternoon and early evening sessions will be mainly dedicated to tutorials and practice in the X-ray diffraction laboratory. Students will be encouraged to bring their own crystals for data collection and analysis.

Local Organizing Committee:
Natalia Alvarez / Guzmán Peinado / Leopoldo Suescun

The Organizers of the «1st LACA School: Small Molecule Crystallography» in Montevideo, Uruguay will observe the basic policy of non-discrimination and affirm the right and freedom of scientists to associate in international scientific activity without regard to such factors as citizenship, religion, creed, political stance, ethnic origin, race, colour, language, age or sex, in accordance with the Statutes of the International Council for Science. At this school no barriers will exist which would prevent the participation of bona fide scientists and students.
Los Organizadores de la «1era Escuela de la LACA: Cristalografía de Pequeñas Moléculas» en Montevideo, Uruguay respetan la política de no discriminación y afirman el derecho y libertad de los científicos de asociarse en actividades científicas internacionales sin resguardo de factores como ciudadanía, religión, credo, ideas políticas, origen étnico, raza, color, lenguaje, edad o sexo, de acuerdo con los Estatutos del  International Council for Science. En esta Escuela no existirán barreras que prevengan que científicos o estudiantes de buena fe participen de la misma.


Actualizado: 31 de octubre de 2017